• Fearless Birthing


    Do you have fears approaching your pregnancy or birth?


    Do you suffer from Tokophobia (fear of pregnancy) ?


    Maybe you are a survivor of sexual assault?


    Or have trauma from previous births?


    Welcome to a unique fear clearance technique which actually works!

    Fearless Birthing is a new approach to preparing for pregnancy and birth.

    Fears are dispersed quickly and remain clear. Developed by Alexia Leachmann to clear her own Tokophobia, many women have used this technique to cure their Tokophobia, clear their fears, heal their wounds, and prepare emotionally for a joyous pregnancy and empowered birth.

  • The Fearless Birthing programs. . .


    . . .will help you prepare for pregnancy, birth and parenthood by helping you to build emotional strength and resilience. Having
    cleared your fears and past traumas you will approach birth with confidence and a sense of empowerment.

    You will learn a unique clearance technique which can be used to clear fears, phobias, traumas and anxieties. It uses direct and
    focused action which works deeply to quickly clear fear and trauma from the bodymind i.e. the mind and body.

    Individual fears or phobias, for example the fear or phobia of needles and injections can be cleared in less than 10 minutes. Others
    may take a little longer, perhaps 30 minutes. This technique has been shown to clear Tokophobia, or pregnancy and birth phobia in as little as 2 weeks.

    The Fearless Birthing Support 6 week program. . .

    . . .is a self-led program where you can clear as much or as little as you want. You will be supported throughout the process by weekly
    calls and email support. You get to help prepare a personalised clearance plan and work through it at your own pace.

    The Fearless Birthing One on One program. . .

    . . .is a longer program which goes deeper using Wound Healings designed specifically for you. It includes everything from the 6 week program plus longer weekly sessions, a weekly individualised Wound Healing and 12 weeks of email support.





    Fearless Birthing One on One program

    a 3 month program including:

    • Preparing a personal clearance plan
    • Weekly sessions online
    • Coaching in the Head Trash Clearance method
    • Wound Healings designed specifically for you
    • Clearance tracks and meditations
    • Unlimited email support for 3 months






    Fearless Birthing Support

    a 6 week program including:


    • Preparing a personal clearance plan
    • Instruction on the Head Trash Clearance method
    • Weekly check ins
    • Unlimited email support for 6 weeks